BREAKING NEWS: Children First set to release county reports.  Register Here to attend the release and discussion.

No Better Investment than Kids – May 13, 2022


PA’s Budget Surplus Can Be a Game-Changer for Kids

For years we’ve been told that the money just isn’t there to meet the needs of schools, child care programs, or children’s health. Routinely, state lawmakers would metaphorically pull out their empty pockets and lament that they wish they could do more, but, shucks, there’s just no money.

Well, guess what? Now there is. A whole $10 billion is sitting in reserves, only $2 billion of which is loosely earmarked federal dollars. We can be sure of this because the Senate Republican Appropriations Chair Pat Browne said so himself: “Total General Fund revenues through April are $7.98 billion, or 24.4%, more than last year at this time.”

Pennsylvania’s budget surplus is:

  • a perfect opportunity to cure the injustice of underfunding public schools, 
  • the best chance we’ve ever had to make great child care and pre-k affordable for families, 
  • the real life-changing opportunity we need to end childhood lead poisoning, and
  • the life-saving moment to extend health care to all children.

By spending just a quarter of the funds in surplus, the lives of children could markedly improve. That’s $1.75 billion for schools, $120 million for child care, $70 million for pre-k, $10 million for home-visiting for new parents, $40 million for lead paint remediation, and $15 million to close the gap in children’s health insurance. 

We’ve never met a lawmaker opposed to these essential child-focused investments. Yet, for some reason, now that the funds are in hand, far too many lawmakers are walking away from the common ground of agreeing that we must do more to make the lives of children better.

So now with plenty of state funds to meet the needs of children, lawmakers are looking for excuses for why they can’t do so.  

Some lawmakers wistfully wonder if the funds are really there. Others wring their hands feigning worry that years from now the funds won’t be there. Still others are conjuring up artificial caps to limit new spending to 5% or 10% above last year, even though last year’s spending on children is woefully short of what’s was needed then or now. 

They can show they actually love our kids by using this windfall of our tax dollars to invest in their future. Finally, state lawmakers can show that for all those years of kissing babies, that they meant it.

Let’s get the relationship between the new Philadelphia school superintendent and out-of-school-time (OST) providers off to a good start. If you’re a Philly OST provider or funder, join the conversation and shape our next steps. سجل هنا.

New research suggests that 60–70% of adolescents detained in the juvenile justice system have a mental health disorder compared to 20% of the general adolescent population; however, the vast majority do not receive services.

Join us on May 23rd (in person!) as Philadelphia stakeholders discuss what happened that led to fewer youth going into delinquent detention and residential placement. Learning from these lessons can build better pathways for teens and young adults.

Register at

Children and teens are safe from institutionalized abuse, thanks to the PA Dept of Human Services. DHS rejected an attempt by the Glen Mills juvenile detention facility to reopen under a new name after it was shut down because of physical and sexual abuse by staff.