Philly Charter Schools: Who’s Minding The Store?

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  • لقد مر هذا حدث.
1501 Arch Street
فيلادلفيا, 19103

How Can We Achieve Effective Academic, Financial and Governance Accountability?


  • Commissioner Feather Houstoun, School Reform Commission
  • Jurate Krokys, Regional Council Co-Chair of Schools That Can Philadelphia, founding Principal of Independence Charter School
  • Kyle Serette, Center for Popular Democracy & author of “Fraud and Financial Mismanagement in PA’s Charter Schools”
  • Barbara Dowdall, retired English Department Head at A. Philip Randolph Career and Technical School and former ADA board member

Moderated by: Solomon Leach, Philadelphia Daily News, Education Reporter

Sponsored by: Americans for Democratic Action

Co-sponsors: ACTION United, Education Voters PA, PCCY

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