Scroll down to find Health, Early Child Care, Unemployment, Education, Eviction and other resources for you and your business
HEALTH Resources for Providers
Health Resources to Help Your Parents
خط مساعدة PCCY متاح لمساعدتك أنت وأطفالك في الحصول على التأمين الصحي. للمساعدة بأي لغة ، اتصل بالرقم: 215-563-5848 x17. جميع المواد أدناه متوفرة في لغات متعددة هنا.
- نشرة التأمين الصحي متعددة اللغات PCCY
- يساعد PCCY في تأمين الأطفال أثناء أزمة COVID
- لن يفقد الأطفال والبالغون تغطية Medicaid أثناء COVID
- إذا كنت تدفع قسط CHIP ، فأنت بحاجة إلى الاتصال بخطة الصحة الخاصة بك
- اختبار وعلاج COVID-10 مجانًا للأطفال والكبار على برنامج Medicaid و CHIP
- البحث عن مواقع الرعاية الصحية الآمنة للمهاجرين
- خطوط مساعدة إضافية للتأمين عبر الهاتف في جنوب شرق السلطة الفلسطينية
للعثور على هذه الموارد الصحية بلغات أخرى ، انقر هنا
WIC Resources
- Temporarily added products now eligible for WIC
- Delaware County – EWIC Loading Station Information
- Philadelphia WIC – NORTH Inc Memo Regarding WIC
REOPENING Doors to Child Care Safely
To help child care providers and stakeholders think through critical areas of meeting COVID-related health guidelines and maintaining safety, please review: FAQ – Reopening doors to Child Care Safety by the PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. This document reflects emerging evidence that can guide safety protocols and is generated by experts in pediatric primary care, infectious disease, early childhood and child care operations at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. To inform this document, PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has been tracking scientific, medical and policy developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.
FREE Consulting Resources
PCCY is offering early learning and child care program operators free technical assistance in completing federal loan applications (Small Business Administration) earmarked to sustain for-profit and non-profit entities. Some of the federal funds can offer you significant relief in the short term and have extremely generous repayment terms that are intended to ensure you do not bear the full financial burden of the pandemic. PCCY can offer you a 30 minute appointment with our technical experts.
To help you prepare for these appointments, we suggest you read these documents so you can decide if any or all of these loan opportunities make sense for your child care program.
- Paycheck Protection Loans. The application form is quite simple, but the rules are a bit complicated. Please read this before your Technical Assistance Appointment. The application form can be found here.
- Economic Injury Disaster Loans up to $10,000. This application is also quite simple but the rules are more complicated. Please read this before your appointment. The application form can be found here.
To schedule an appointment with one of our two consultants to get assistance applying for the federal loan funds انقر هنا. If there are no slots available with the first link, please try the other.
We are also offering early learning and child care program operators free technical assistance in understanding the ins and outs of the new employment laws during the COVID-19 national emergency. PCCY can offer you a 30-minute appointment with our technical experts.
- Click here to schedule an appointment to get assistance understanding and applying the new employment laws. To prepare for your session we recommend you read this helpful resource guide created by Jeffrey Campolongo, one of our region’s premier employment lawyers and one of five lawyers working with PCCY to support child care providers during the pandemic.
Are you the recipient of a PPP loan? On May 15العاشر, The Treasury Department and Small Business Administration released the application form and instructions for loan forgiveness. The forgiveness forms, instructions, and worksheets can be downloaded هنا.
Gov. Wolf: State to Distribute $51 million in CARES Funding to Support Child Care Providers – read the press release.
Financial Resources
PCCY continues to identify and share resources for our child care partners in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
NEW: The COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program will provide grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 to for-profit small businesses that have been economically impacted by COVID-19. This is not a first-come, first-served program. There will be multiple rounds of application windows. Application window for the first round of funding is expected to open on June 30th and remain open for 10 business days. Visit: for the application and additional information.
Below find links to county-specific financial resources available to child care providers.
- Bucks County:
- Chester County:
- Chester County: United Way COVID-19 Response Fund
- Delaware County:
- Montgomery County:
- Philadelphia County:
- Greater Philadelphia Area:
OCDEL Announcement Re: Child Care Works Payment Modifications Due to Impacts related to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Click here to download PDF.
البحث عن رعاية الطفل للعاملين الأساسيين أثناء COVID-19
يمكن للعائلات العثور على ثروة من المعلومات من المحلات التجارية الشاملة في الولاية لرعاية الأطفال والتي تسمى مراكز مصادر التعلم المبكر (ELRCs). تساعد هذه المراكز التسعة عشر المنتشرة في جميع أنحاء الولاية العائلات في العثور على رعاية أطفال عالية الجودة ، كما تساعد الأسر العاملة في التقدم للحصول على إعانات رعاية الأطفال.
Child Care In Crisis: Recommendations for COVID Stimulus
PCCY gathered (virtually) with our partners of Start Strong PA and Pre-K for PA to formulate strategies to sustain Pennsylvania’s early childhood education infrastructure. Read the recommendations below and sign on to our letter urging state legislators to act now!
- Pre-K for PA and Start Strong PA COVID-19 Stimulus Recommendations
- PA Confirms Pre-K/Head Start Programs to be paid throughout crisis: Pre-K Counts and Head Start Programs: COVID-19-related closure and modified program operations (FAQ)
Untangling Unemployment Compensation for Early Childhood Education Providers
The COVID shutdown has devastated PA’s childhood education providers like you. Now you’re facing difficult decisions including how to help your staff navigate the technical world of unemployment compensation. What does it all mean for you? What does it mean for your staff? Click here and listen to Sharon Dietrich, Managing Partner at CLS explain the details, from a conference call we convened on March 19, 2020.
Here are some important documents:
- COVID Resources at a glance
- COVID Employer & Employee Resources (news article)
- How to Apply for UC (ENGLISH)
- How to apply for UC (SPANISH)
- Contacting UC Online
- Explaining the Reason for Separation
- Families First Act – What is included that Impacts Small Business & our Employees
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Implications for Workers Affected by COVID-19
- Paid Leave in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act: How Child Care Providers Are Left Behind
Diagnosing the Impact of COVID on the Region’s Child Care and PreK Systems
The Child Care and Early Learning (pre-K) Sector is being hit hard by the virus. Pennsylvania continues to find ways to help families and child care/early learning providers but the challenges are many and require due consideration. PCCY is leading that conversation locally. On Wednesday, March 18, PCCY convened an emergency conference call with over 130 Childcare and pre-K leaders and providers. Early Learning and Child Care Providers are invited to listen in on the discussion here (beginning at the 16-minute mark, after the introductions) to learn what’s happening on the ground and how PCCY and our partners are mobilizing to help providers stay afloat. You can get more details on key state and local decisions impacting child care and pre-K access here
- PHLpreK March 20 UPDATE هنا
- OCDEL guidance can be found هنا
- City of Philadelphia information هنا
- Philadelphia County ELRC #18: Informative bulletins from March 15 و March 17.
- Chester County ELRC #19 info هنا
اقرأ لي
اقرأ لي عبارة عن سلسلة فيديو لقراءة الكتب بصوت عالٍ مقدمة من مشروع بيكاسو PCCY. الهدف من READ TO ME هو تزويد الأطفال بمجموعة مختارة من الكتب المنسقة لجميع الأعمار يقرأها بالغون مهتمون وذوي خبرة. نحن نبني "مكتبة" مجانية على YouTube للكتب المقروءة بصوت عالٍ لمشاركتها مع الأطفال في فيلادلفيا وعبر الإنترنت. يمكن العثور على مقاطع الفيديو على موقعنا صفحة يوتيوب. نحن نبحث عن متطوعين لإنشاء مقاطع فيديو قصيرة (حوالي 5 دقائق) لأنفسهم يقرؤون كتاب الأطفال المفضل. نرحب بالكتب لجميع الأعمار وبجميع اللغات. إذا كنت ترغب في المشاركة ، أرسل بريدًا إلكترونيًا إلى Tim Gibbon على
Our Children’s Education Remains A Top Priority During COVID-19
K-12 education looks much different now then just a few weeks ago. Parents, School Districts and our students are all doing their best to adjust to a new way of learning. PCCY is leading conversations locally to help ensure that our children are not left behind during the COVID19 crisis. With our partners on the PA Schools Work campaign, we are hosting weekly calls around K-12 issues, hearing concerns and trying to connect with answers. If you would like to participate in these discussions, contact
ADDITIONAL Resources for your Clients
موارد الإخلاء
نحن نعلم أنه من الصعب جدًا تصديق ذلك ، ولكن نعم ، لدينا تقارير تفيد بأن بعض أصحاب العقارات يخبرون الناس أنهم يواجهون إمكانية الإخلاء. هناك بعض الخطوات التي يمكنك اتخاذها إذا تعرضت للتهديد بالإخلاء.
- تحميل ومشاركة هذه النشرة بأحدث المعلومات وأرقام الهواتف المفيدة. (تتوفر ترجمات إضافية أدناه).
- لا توجد عمليات إخلاء قانونية (وهذا يشمل التسجيل) أثناء إغلاق covid بينما يتم إغلاق محاكم فيلادلفيا 31 أغسطس. انظر النشرات المرفقة بتنسيق الإنجليزية و الأسبانية من مشروع فيلادلفيا لمنع الإخلاء.
- لا تتضمن أي عمليات إخلاء قانونية المستأجرين الذين لديهم اتفاق شفهي لدفع الإيجار ولكن ليس لديهم عقد إيجار / اتفاقية مكتوبة. إذا كانت لديك أسئلة مهمة ، فاتصل بالخدمات القانونية المجتمعية على الرقم 215-981-3798. ديفيد وينجيرت عامل اجتماعي في الوحدة السكنية.
- توجد إرشادات إضافية من Community Legal Services على موقع الويب الخاص بهم هنا -
- يمكن لمكتب رئيسة المجلس هيلين جيمز مساعدتك وترغب في الاستماع إليك إذا تم إخبارك بأنه سيتم طردك - 215-686-3420
إصدارات PDF: الإنجليزية / عربى / البنغالية / فرنسي / الأندونيسية / الخمير / الماندرين / البرتغالية / الروسية / الأسبانية / فيتنامي
هل تفضل الصور التي يمكنك نشرها؟ استخدم هذه الملفات: الإنجليزية / عربى / البنغالية / فرنسي / الأندونيسية / الخمير / الماندرين / البرتغالية / الروسية / الأسبانية / فيتنامي
مساعدة بطالة العمال في Gig
هناك برنامج إعانة بطالة جديد تم إنشاؤه استجابة لـ COVID-19 للعمال غير المؤهلين للحصول على تعويض بطالة منتظم. تتوفر الموارد باللغات التالية - انقر للتنزيل: الإنجليزية / عربى / الماندرين / البرتغالية / الروسية / الأسبانية
Discussions with Children’s Health Serving Organizations
Public Citizens for Children and Youth is holding a series of conference calls with Children’s Health and Early Care Provider System Leaders in Southeastern Pennsylvania to identify child-health related challenges, so we can get them resolved and keep kids as healthy as possible during the crisis.
- Click here for a recording of the HEALTH call from Tuesday, April 14, 2020
- Click here for a recording of the HEALTH call from Tuesday, March April 7, 2020
- Click here for a recording of the HEALTH call from Tuesday, March 31, 2020
- Click here for a recording of the HEALTH call from Tuesday, March 24, 2020
- Click here to hear a recording of the ECE Systems call from Friday, March 27, 2020
- Click here to hear a recording of the ECE Systems call from Monday, March 23, 2020.