Celebrating 45 Years of Successful Advocacy for Children
Recognizing the 2025 Champion for Children: Governor Josh Shapiro
On the evening of Tuesday, May 20, 2025, Children First will celebrate 45 years of successful advocacy for children and youth in Pennsylvania and honor Governor Josh Shapiro as the 2025 Champion for Children.
We have lots to celebrate, from the establishment of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), to paving the way for tens of thousands of children to attend high quality pre-K programs, to addressing the resource constraints in public schools. Children First built the partnerships that galvanized bi-partisan support that caused these policies to take hold.
We are especially proud to share with you that at the 45th Anniversary Celebration we will honor Governor Josh Shapiro – a true Champion for Children. From his days as a young state lawmaker where he made education a top priority, to his leadership as a Montgomery County Commissioner where he focused county funds to meet the needs of children and his groundbreaking work as Attorney General where he bravely put those who abuse children behind bars, to his unparalleled leadership for children’s health, education and well-being in the highest office in the Commonwealth, Josh has been a fierce advocate for children in Pennsylvania.
We know that there are many other worthy causes and amazing regional leaders to honor, but we urge you to join Children First as a sponsor of our 45th Anniversary Celebration or by purchasing a ticket to join us at the party! In doing so, you’ll be among a growing list of corporations, organizations, and individuals who are actively stepping up to help us continue to improve the future for children.
Tickets and Sponsorship
Click here to purchase TICKETS
Click here to purchase Individual Sponsorships
Click here for Corporate Sponsorships
Championship Sponsors:
Leading Sponsor:
الرعاة المؤيدون:
الرعاة الداعمون:
Community Behavioral Health (CBH)
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Saul Ewing LLP
الرعاة الحليف:
الرعاة الأفراد:
ليندسي وسام أولبرايت
Larry Bomback
Harriet Dicther & John Schapiro
The Margaret Glenn Estey Fund
Caroline Estey King
ريتشارد وسوزان فرايزر
Jacqui & David Griffith
Steve & Barbara Gold
Janet Haas
Rosemarie & Jay Holt
Valerie Hamilton
Renee Hughes
Mary & Howard Hurtig
فيل جوريج
Elaine Lindy & Lon Palitz
Nancy Lucas
Lubna Mian
Brian, Soozung & Robert Rankin
Ann Rosewater & Robert Kronley
H. Lynn Starr
The Marni Sweet Fund
M. Patricia West & Tom Vernon
Wendy Wolf
الرعاة العينية: